Лучший педагог года

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Ideal teacher: what is he like?»

Бытко Оксана
Конспект урока по английскому языку «Ideal teacher: what is he like?»

Бытко Оксана Олеговна, учитель МКОУ «Андринская СОШ», ХМАО-Югра, Октябрьский район, гп. Андра


Цель занятия: to develop students’ lexical skills in different speech activities


1. to introduce new lexical material and train it in speech; to enlarge students’ range of vision through getting new knowledge; to form skills of skimming and scanning reading;

2. to develop students’ attention, memory, abilities of logical expressing of their thoughts, critical thinking of students;

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3. to bring up students’ feeling of respect towards the teaching profession; to promote development of students’ interest to learning English language and culture of relationships in group work.

Основные понятия: Continuous tenses, ideal teacher

Методическое обеспечение: interactive board, computer, Power Point presentation, papers, markers, pens, exercise-books, hand-outs : text, sets of cards with exercises.

Тип занятия: Combined lesson

Методы и приемы: frontal work, group work, verbal method, demonstrative method, descriptive method, non-translating method, brainstorming, association, critical thinking, cluster, skimming, research reading, analysis.

План занятия:

Stage of the lesson Content of the stage Teacher Students Methods and techniques Time


Организационный момент.

Greeting and explaining the plan of work on the lesson - Good-afternoon!

- I’m glad to see you. You may sit down.

- Good-afternoon dear guests. Thank you for your coming here.

- Is anybody absent today?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- How are you feeling today?

- Are you ready to work?

- Then let’s start. I’d like to get you acquainted shortly with the plan of our work at the lesson today.

1. First of all, we will check up your homework.

2. Then we will turn to the new theme. You will have to guess about the theme of the lesson in the process of doing some exercises.

3. The work at the new theme will be based on speaking, reading the text and doing different exercises (such as answering the questions, true\ false statements, fill-in the blanks, matching, definitions, making clusters.)

- Good-afternoon, teacher!

- No, all are present.

- Today is the 5th of October

- Today is Wednesday

- I am fine, thank you

- Yes, of course

II. Проверка знаний учащихся.

Checking up homework : grammar : Continuous tenses (Past, Present and Future)

1. The rule of forming the tenses

- And now it’s high time to check up your homework. Your hometask was to learn the rule of forming and using Continuous tenses :

Past, Present and Future.

1. - How do we form these tenses?

- Let’s see whether you are right or not. (slide)

- That’s right.

Past Continuous tense - Was\ were + doing

Present Continuous tense - Am\ is\ are + doing

Future Continuous tense - Will be + doing

Frontal work


2. The rule of using the tenses

2. - And what do you know about the use of these tenses? What actions do they describe?

- Look at the board. You can see the correct anwer here. Yes, you are right. (slide)

Past Continuous tense describes an action in progress at a particular time in the past

Present Continuous tense describes an action in progress at a particular time in the present

Future Continuous describes an action in progress at a particular time in the future

3. The markers of the tenses

3. - What are the markers for every tense? (the words that help us to understand what tense is used)


- for Past Continuous – for example : at 1 o’clock yesterday, at this ime last week

- for Present Continuous – now, at the moment, at present

- for Future Continuous – this time next year, at 5 o’clock tomorrow

4. Exercises

4.- Now you will do some exercises to show how you can use your theoretical knowledge in practice.

1) In the first exercise you have to choose the correct answer to complete the sentence :

(Appendix 1)

2) In the next exercise you have to give the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence :

(Appendix 2)

3) Describe the picture using Past, Present and Future Continuous tenses; use the markers of these tenses :

- what was he doing …. ?

- what is he doing ….?

- what will he be doing ?


(Appendix 3)

(students answer one by one)

(students answer one by one)

(students describe the picture using Past, Present, Future Continuous)

5. Summing up

5. – So, I see that you know how to form and use Continuous tenses.

III. Изучение нового материала.

Prediction of the new theme

1. Working with the photo (there are different photos on the board – the images of a good and bad teacher)

And now let’s turn to the new theme of our lesson. But I won’t say it to you : you will have to guess about the new theme.

1. – First, look at these photos. Choose one that you like most of all and explain your choice.


(Appendix 4)

- Who do you think is shown in these photos?

- Why do you think that this is a good teacher? Describe the person in the photo.

- the person in this photo is positive and pleasant

- a (good) teacher

- she is friendly\ she helps her pupil\ she praises her pupil




group work,



Non-translating method



Group work, analysis

2. Qualities of a good teacher

2. - What are the qualities of a good teacher in your opinion?

Work in groups and give 3 statements about what a good teacher is.

(students’ possible answers)

1) A good teacher loves his job

2) A good teacher loves and respects pupils

3) A good teacher helps pupils

4) A good teacher knows his subject well

5) A good teacher understands pupils and their problems

6) A good teacher is strict but reasonable

7) A good teacher is never late for lessons

8) A good teacher is friendly

9) A good teacher has a sense of humour

10) A good teacher motivates pupils

11) A good teacher creates good

12) atmosphere in the classroom

Introduction of the new theme

(on the board)

Ideal teacher : what is he like?”

- Do you think that it’s enough to be just a good teacher?

- So, can you guess what the theme of our lesson is?

- You are right. The theme of our lesson today is “Ideal teacher : what is he like?”


Today we will speak about an ideal teacher and by the end of the lesson you will have to answer this question and to form the image of an ideal teacher : his appearance, personal characteristics, behavior.

- Do you think that this topic is important to you?

- No, every teacher should try to become an ideal teacher.

- Ideal teacher.

- Yes, because our future profession is a teacher.

Work with the text :

1. Pre-text exercises

1) Introductory questions

2) Introduction of the new vocabulary : Definitions

1. - Is teaching an easy or difficult job?

2. - Why did you choose this profession?

3. - What kind of teacher would you like to be?

- With the help of the given definition guess the meaning of the word. (teacher reads the word and students repeat, then a student reads a definition)


(Appendix 5)

(students’ possible answers)

- It’s a difficult but interesting job.

- I love children\ I want to know much and to give my knowledge to pupils

- I would like to be a professional\ perfect\ excellent\ ideal teacher

(students do the task orally)

2. Reading the text

1. - You are going to read the text on the theme of our lesson. But you won’t read the whole text. You are sitting in 3 groups. Every group will get only 1 part of the text.

1) Look through your part of the text and give the main idea of it.

(Appendix 6)

2) Read the questions, then read the text to yourselves and find the answers for these questions.

(students skim their part of the text and then give the main idea)

(students scan their part of the text and find answers for the questions)

3. Post-text exercises :

1) Answering the questions

2) Matching the beginning of the sentence to its ending

3) True\ false statements

4) Filling in the blanks

5) Definition – Word

6) Giving the title to the text

7) Expressing the main idea of the text

1) - So, you have read your part of the text and now give your answers for the questions.(teacher reads the questons)

2) - Match the beginning of the sentence to its ending


3) – Say whether the statement is true or false


4) – Fill in the blanks with the words from your new vocabulary


(Appendix 7)

5) – I will give you a definition and you will say the word which is presented by this definiton

6) – You see that this text doesn’t have any title. In your groups think of the most suitable title.

7) – And now, also in your groups, think about the main idea of the whole text

(students answer the questions)

(students answer)

(students answer)

(students answer)

(students answer)

(students answer)

(students discuss the title in their groups and then answer)

- This text is about an ideal teacher : about what is he like, how he behaves in the classroom and how he treats his pupils.

IV. Работа по закреплению основных понятий темы.

1. Cluster

2. 10 statements about what an ideal teacher is 1. - Now using new vocabulary and all knowledge that you’ve got today, in groups make up the cluster “Ideal teacher” to form the image of an ideal teacher and so to answer the question of our lesson today.

But you will use different aspects :

1st group will tell about his appearance and personal characteristics (using adjectives,

2nd group will tell about his behaviour,

3d group will tell about his relationships with students.

2. - Choose 3 statements which are the most important in your opinion, explain your choice. (students make up their clusters and then present them to other groups)

(students choose and say) Group work, critical thinking, cluster

Frontal work

V. Задание на дом. Giving the cards with the new vocabulary - Your hometask is to learn by heart new vocabulary and get ready for a quiz.


VI. Подведение итогов. 1. Reflexion.

2. Giving the marks for the lesson. - Let’s remember what we have done at the lesson today?

-What have you learnt at the lesson?

- Did you answer the main question of our lesson today?

- I liked your work today and your marks are :

1). – you were very active, your answers were full and correct and you get a five .

2). (Students answer)

(Students answer)

Приложение 1 - Exercise 1

Task : choose the correct answer to complete the sentence (выберите правильный ответ)

1. What. at 8 pm tomorrow?

a) Were you doing

b) Are you doing

c) Will you be doing

d) You will be doing

2. She. the whole evening yesterday.

a) Was reading

b) Is reading

c) Were reading

d) Will be reading

3. I. the piano at present.

a) Was not playing

b) Will not be playing

c) Am not playing

d) Is not playing

4.. to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday?

a) Are you going

b) You were going

c) Will you be going

d) Were you going

5. I. my homework at six o’clock tomorrow.

a) Was not doing

b) Am not doing

c) Were not doing

d) Will not be doing

6. My friends. their homework at seven o’clock yesterday.

a) Was not doing

b) Were not doing

c) Will be doing

d) Are not doing

7. I. in the library at the moment.

a) Am working

b) Was working

c) Were working

d) Will be working

8. When I get home tomorrow, my family. supper.

a) Will be having

b) Was having

c) Is having

d) Are having

9.. to an interesting lecture now?

a) Will you be listening

b) Are you listening

c) Were you listening

d) You are listening

10. When we arrive in Moscow next Sunday, it. probably. .

a) Was raining

b) Will be raining

c) Is raining

d) Were raining

Приложение 2 - Exercise 2

Task : give the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence (напишите правильную форму глагола)

1. Richard in the garden now? (to work)

2. She the books to the library at present. (not/ to take)

3. I a book at the moment. (to read)

4. She a cheeseburger at 12 o’clock yesterday. (not/ to eat)

5. We to music at 6 o’clock last Sunday. (to listen)

6. the mobile at 9 o’clock yesterday evening? (to ring)

7. This time next week he to South Africa. (to fly)

8. When we arrive in London tomorrow, it probably. (to rain)

9. At 6 o'clock next Friday they the new song. (not/ to sing)

10. you a test at 9 o’clock tomorrow? (to write)

Приложение 3 - Exercise 3

Task : With the help of the answers for the questions describe the picture using Past, Present and Future Continuous tenses; use the markers of these tenses (с помощью ответов на вопросы опишите картинку, используя Past, Present and Future Continuous tenses; используйте маркеры данных времен)

- what was he doing …. ?

- what is he doing ….?

- what will he be doing ?

Приложение 4 - Photos

Task : Look at these photos. Choose one that you like most of all and explain your choice (Посмотрите на фото. Выберите одно, которое вам нравится больше всего, и объясните ваш выбор)

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Приложение 5 – New vocabulary : words and their definitions ( новая лексика: слова и их дефиниции)

Task : With the help of the given definition guess about the meaning of the word and give its Russian equivalent (с помощью данной дефиниции догадайтесь о значении слова и дайте его русский эквивалент)

Responsible - having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role

rewarding - affording satisfaction, valuable experience; worthwhile

satisfaction - fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this

successful - achieving desired results, or achieving the result of making a lot of money

respected - admired by many people for your qualities or achievements

forgiving - disposed to forgive your mistakes; indicating forgiveness, tolerant

honest - honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair; sincere

humble - not proud or arrogant; modest

well-dressed – wearing clothes of good quality, properly fitted, appropriate and becoming

smart - having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability

misunderstanding - failure to understand correctly; mistake as to meaning or intent; a disagreement or quarrel

careful - taking pains in one's work; exact; thorough

Приложение 6 - Text

Task : Read the questions, then read the text and find the answers for these questions (прочитайте вопросы, затем прочитайте текст и дайте полные ответы на эти вопросы)

1st paragraph :

1. What is important for the real teacher?

2. What are people ready to do when they choose to be a teacher?

3. What people should never become teachers?

Everybody knows that teaching is a very specific, (1) responsible and difficult job. Most young people prefer to choose a more (2) rewarding and better-paid job. But for the real teacher the main attraction is not money, but job (3) satisfaction. So, there are many young people who consider teaching as a career, who agree to be on stage day and night, paying special attention to the smallest details in their speech, voice, clothes, behaviour every minute. Those who are not interested in their students’ success, who go out of the class without even trying to find out how much the students have understood, who have no time to understand and solve the students’ problems, should never become teachers.

2nd paragraph :

1. What is the attitude of a student towards an ideal teacher?

2. What should an ideal teacher try to do?

3. What are the qualities of an ideal teacher?

Different teachers are (4) successful in different ways, but in spite of the difference in personalities, all good teachers have some common qualities that help them to become the best ones. An ideal teacher is the one who is loved and (5) respected by every student. He should try to win the hearts of all students, to establish a kind of relationship and bond between the hearts and minds of himself and the students. He always has time to solve students’ problems. An ideal teacher knows his subject well and can make it very interesting. He never brags about what he knows and does not try to prove that he is God and knows everything. He is a good actor who can put life into any dull topic. He has a good sense of humour, can laugh at himself and can also laugh with the students. An ideal teacher is kind and (6) forgiving. He is (7) honest, disciplined, simple and (8) humble. He is always (9) well-dressed and looks (10) smart.

3d paragraph :

1. When can a teacher definitely become best for a student?

2. Why is it impossible to avoid misunderstandings?

3. What should a teacher do to become best for students?

So, when you are a teacher, it is rather difficult to become perfect for ALL your students. It's clear, that we all are different, so your students are, and each of them has his own learning style. When your teaching style suits a learning style of your student, you will definitely become his best teacher. But it's obvious, that all your 30 students (or 20, or even 10) will never have the same opinion about your teaching methods, so, (11) misunderstandings are impossible to avoid. However, you can always become a better teacher for your students, the main thing is to listen to them (12) carefully. You teach them of course, but you can always let them teach you a bit as well. So, if you want to become the best teacher for your students, you'd better not ignore what they say.

Приложение 7 – Post-text exercises

Task 1: Match the beginning of the sentence to its ending :

1. Teaching is a very specific,

2. Young people prefer to choose a more

3. For the real teacher the main attraction is

4. Different teachers are successful

5. An ideal teacher is loved

6. An ideal teacher is kind

7. An ideal teacher is honest, disciplined,

8. He is always well-dressed and

9. All students will never have the same opinion about teaching methods, so,

10. The main thing for becoming a better teacher for students is

a) to listen to them carefully.

b) looks smart.

c) responsible and difficult job.

d) and forgiving.

e) misunderstandings are impossible to avoid.

f) rewarding and better-paid job.

g) in different ways.

h) and respected by every student.

i) not money, but job satisfaction.

j) simple and humble.

Task 2: Say whether the statement is true or false; correct the false statement :

1. It is known that a job of a teacher is easy and irresponsible.

2. Teaching is not so rewarding and well-paid, that’s why most young people prefer to choose another job.

3. When you are a true teacher it is satisfaction and not money that attracts you in your job.

4. Different teachers are successful in similar ways.

5. An ideal teacher is respected not by all students.

6. It’s not usual for an ideal teacher to be forgiving.

7. An honest and humble teacher can not be an ideal one.

8. To be well-dressed and look smart is not usual for an ideal teacher.

9. It is very difficult to avoid misunderstandings between a teacher and his students.

10. If you want to become a better teacher for your students, you must listen to them carefully.

Task 3: Fill in the blanks with the words from your new vocabulary :

1. If you're as. as I think, you've probably guessed where I am.

2. He feels. for his wife and children.

3. It must be nice to have such a. career.

4. The director was. by his workers for being strict and wise.

5. Your father is a. business man : he is a millionaire.

6. The woman is more. now because so much time has passed.

7. He put the cup into the sink.

8. I ask you a question and want an. answer.

Приложение 8 - Statements

Task : Choose 3 statements which are the most important in your opinion, explain your choice (выберите 3 утверждения, которые являются самыми важными по вашему мнению, объясните свой выбор)

1. An ideal teacher keeps in contact with the parents of his or her pupils and lets them participate in the life of the school

2. An ideal teacher is able to maintain discipline and order

3. An ideal teacher lets the students share with their own life with all its ups and downs

4. An ideal teacher works hard to remain up-to-date in his or her subject

5. An ideal teacher openly admits when she or he has made a mistake or does not know something

6. An ideal teacher is interested in his or her students, asks them about their homes and tries to help where possible

7. An ideal teacher makes the students work hard and sets high standards

8. An ideal teacher is friendly and helpful to his or her colleagues

9. An ideal teacher uses a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts to make his or her lessons interesting

10. An ideal teacher helps students become independent and organize their own learning

Приложение 9 – Hometask

Task : learn by heart and be ready for a quiz :

Responsible - ответственный

rewarding - стоящий

satisfaction - удовлетворение

successful - успешный

respected - уважаемый

forgiving – прощающий, лояльный

honest - честный

humble - скромный

well-dressed – хорошо одетый

smart - сообразительный

misunderstanding – не (до)понимание

careful – заботливый, внимательный, точный

Приложение 10 - Quotations

Task : How do you understand these quotations?

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you where to see.” (Alexandra K. Trenfor)

“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” (Alexander the Great)

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” (Benjamin Franklin)

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Конспект урока по английскому языку «Ideal teacher: what is he like?»
Опубликовано: 23 июня 2017 в 07:16
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