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Сценарий мероприятия по английскому языку «Правила этикета в стране изучаемого языка» в 6–7 классе
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Цель: ознакомить с правилами этикета в различных ситуациях
- развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся
- повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка
I. Англичане всегда вежливы везде. Вспомните, как они отвечают на следующих случаях. Respond to my statements.
1. Good morning. ( Дети: -Good morning)
2. How are you? (Fine\OK thanks. And you)
3. Good bye. Have a nice weekend\ evening\day! (Thanks. Same to You.)
- Английский язык в школе
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- Темочки
4. Happy birthday to you! (Thank you.)
5. make yourself at home.(будьте как дома. = не стесняйтесь) (Thank you.)
6. Hello. I am Lena. (Pleased to meet you, ena. My name is Mary.)
7. See you tomorrow! (Bye)
8. в магазине, чтобы привлечь внимание продавца:Excuse me! ( продавец:Yes. Can I help you)
9. Good night. (Sleep well)
10.Bless you! –тому, кто чихнул: будь здоров! (Thanks)
11.Thank you very much! (Not at all. Или You re welcome.)
12. Happy New Year! (Happy New Year!)
13. Did you have a good weekend\fly? (Как прошел выходной\полет) (Yes, thanks)
14. Сongratulation! (Thank you)
II. Маленькие сценки с использованием речевого этикета.
1.-`Hello, `Alice.
- `Hello, John.
-How are you today?
-I’m very well, thank you. And you?
-I’m fine, thanks. And how’s your brother?
- He’s fine, thanks. And how’s your sister?
-She’s `very `well, `too. Goodbye, Alice. `Nice to `see you.
- `Nice to `see `you, `too, `John. `Bye.
2. At parties and in other formal and informal situations you meet people you haven’t met before, and you introduce yourself to each other, you also often have to introduce people you already know to one another How to make such introductions and respond to them in a proper way?
2.1. Formal :
You : - Mr. Bell, may I introduce Dick Smith, my friend?
Mr. Smith : -How do you do?
Dick Smith : - How do you do?
2.2. Less formal : мальчика представляем ДЕВОЧКЕ
A : -Mike, let me introduce you to my sister Judy.
Mike : -Hello, Judy.
Judy : -Hello, Mike. Nice to meet you.
2.3. Informal :
2.3.1. You : Tom, I don’t think you’ve met Judy.
Tom : Hello, Judy.
Judy : Hello, Tom. Where are from, Tom?
Tom : I am from Germany. And you?
Judy : Oh, I am from London.
2.3.2. You : Tom, have you met Mary?
Tom : Hello, Mary.
Mary : Hello, Tom. Nice\Pleased to meet you.
2.3.3. You : Hi, Bob! How are you?
Bob : Fine, thanks. How about you?
You : I’m OK. Bob, I don’t think you know Martin, do you? Martin, this is Bob.
Martin : Hello, Bob. I have seen you playing football.
Bob : Yes, that’s right.
3. Ситуация в кафе. 2 чел. Сидят за столиком, подходит официант.
-Good morning.
-Good morning. Can we have 2 orange juices, tuna and egg salads, please?
(Официант уходит и возвращается с подносом)
- Here you are. Anything else?
- no, thanks. How much is that?
-4 pounds, please.
-thank you.
-thank you.
4. Ситуация в библиотеке (2 незнакомца).
a). -Excuse me.
-Do you have a dictionary?
-I am sorry, I don’t.
-That’s OK.
b).- it’s very hot in here. Can I open the window?
- Really? I am quite cold
-OK. It Doesn’t matter.
5 Ситуация на улице:
- Yes. Go straight ahead, and it’s on the left. Next to the flower shop.
- Is that far?
- No, just 2 minutes.
- Thanks.
6. Ситуация : дома, сидя за столом:
- would like some more carrot salad?
- Yes, please. It’s delicious. (Получает салат) : Thank you.
-Could I have a glass of water, please?
- Yes, of course. Here you are. (Пауза, кушают.)
- Could you pass the salt, please?
-Here you are. (Пауза, кушают.)
- Would you like some more dessert?
- Yes, please. I `d love some. It’s delicious.
7. Ситуация в магазине:
-can I help you?
-yes, please. I am looking for a blouse.
-what color are you looking for?
-what about this one? Do you like this?
-oh yes. Can I try it on? (Примеряет) It’s OK. How much is it?
-12 pounds. How would you like to pay?
-cash. And where is the cash desk?
-over there. (направление показ рукой)
III. Традиции и обычаи:
1. What are public holidays in Great Britain?
2. What does the bagpipe look like?
3. What is the name for New Year’s Eve in Scotland?
4. What is the tradition associated with the Tower of London?
5. What do children usually say at Halloween?
IV. Басни. Каждую басню можно инсценировать и ученики сами могут прочитать.
1. басня TWO FROGS
Once two frogs fell into a pot of cream. They could not get out of the pot. So they swam round and round in the cream. “This is the end of my life”, said one of them. It stopped swimming and died. But the second frog swam and swam and beat the cream with its little feet. The cream became a ball of butter. The frog jumped on the ball of butter and got out of the pot.
2. басня о двух мальчиках.
Two naughty boys were standing near a pond throwing stones into the water. The stones often hit the frogs which lived in that pond. So the frogs went to the bottom of the pond trying to save their lives. But the boys continued to throw the stones. Then 2 old frogs put their heads out of the water and said to the boys, ”please stop throwing stones at us, you are killing us!” Moral : one man’s play is other man’s смерть.
3. шуточная сценка
One day father said to his little son, ‘Sam, put on your cap and coat and let us go for a walk.” Sam is happy because he likes to go out with his father. In the street they see a big black dog. Sam is afraid of the dog, and his father says, ”Don’t be afraid, Sam. Don’t you know the proverb “A barking dog does not bite?” Sam says, “Yes, I know the proverb. But does the dog know the proverb?”
V. Песня SAILING. Размножить слова песни, раздать всем присутствующим.
I am sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea
I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free.
I am flying; I am flying, like a bird across the sea.
I am flying, passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free.
Can you hear me; can you hear me, through the dark night far away?
I am dying, forever trying to be with you, who can say?
We are sailing, We are sailing, home again across the sea
We are sailing stormy waters to be near you, to be free.
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.
VI. Conclusion.
Cегодня мы познакомились с некоторыми правилами этикета в Великобритании, узнали об обычаях во время праздников.
Общий танец под популярную красивую песню на английском языке.