Татьяна Чалкова
Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе «Стили живописи»
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Тема урока : Стили живописи (Painting Styles)
Цель урока : активизация лексики по теме «Искусство» в речи
• совершенствование навыков поискового и изучающего чтения
• развитие навыков словообразования
• освоение идиоматических выражений по теме
• совершенствование навыков монологической речи
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия:
• В. Эван и другие "Английский в фокусе-9", Издательство Просвещение.
Используемая методическая литература:
• Книга для учителя, календарно-тематическое планирование"
- Английский язык в школе
- Английский язык. 5-9 класс
- ИЗО в школе
- Иностранный язык в школе
- Модель трёх вопросов. Образовательная технология
- Средняя школа, 9 класс
- Средняя школа. 5-9 классы
- Школа. Материалы для школьных педагогов
- Темочки
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие. Погружение в языковую среду.
- Hello, boys and girls! Today we have another lesson on Module 4 “See It To Believe It”. On our previous lesson we talked about art.
2. Организационный момент (обсуждение темы, цели и плана урока).
On the board you can see some words (classicism, surrealism, pop-art, impressionism, cubism, artists, pictures). All of them are related to the topic of our today’s lesson. Please, try to formulate it! (S : paining styles). By the end of our lesson you are supposed to be able to describe a picture written in a definite painting style. As for the plan of the lesson, you can see it on the board.
• Name the topic
• Discuss the plan of the lesson
• Review the vocabulary
• Study the texts
• Study the idioms with “paint”
• Describe the picture
• Discuss homework
Do you agree to work according to this plan today? (S : Yes, we do).
3. Речевая разминка.
So, we continue with reviewing the vocabulary. Please, listen to the speaker and repeat the words after him. (ex.1 p.54) Can you translate them? Open your books at p.54, pictures of ex.1 will help you. What topic do all these words refer to? (S : geometric shapes)
4. Подготовка к чтению.
Now look at pictures A and B. On what picture can you see lots of geometric shapes? (S : Picture A) Which colours are used on this picture? (S : dark, dull) What about colours on picture B? (S : bright) Which painting styles do these pictures refer to? (S : cubism and surrealism)
5. Чтение.
Now you are to read the texts and find out what the difference between cubism and surrealism is. You have 3 minutes. (ex.3 p.54)
6. Упражнение на словообразование.
You see that some words in the texts are missing. Now you are to fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the words given to the right. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. (ex.4 p.54)
Now listen to the texts and check yourselves.
7. Проверка понимания отдельных слов из текста.
Find the definition for each word in bold from the text (ex.6 p.54).
8. Обсуждение текстов. Ответы на вопросы.
Please, join your partner to answer the questions of ex.5 p.54. (распределить вопросы по парам) You have 1 minute.
9. Работа с идиоматическими выражениями.
Now pay your attention to ex.7 p.54. Here are some idioms given to you. And their definitions you can find on the board. (decide that sb/sth is the same as sb/sth else; very boring; have an enjoyable time; describe sth to make it seem bad) Find the suitable definition for each idiom.
Fill in the gaps of the sentences with the appropriate idioms.
10. Работа с описанием картины.
Read the description and decide which painting it matches. (ex.8 p.55)
11. Самостоятельное описание картины.
Use the scheme of ex.10 to describe the second picture. (ex.9 p.55)
12. Обсуждение домашнего задания.
Your homework is written on the board.
(“3” : to retell one of the texts
“4” : to talk about some other painting style
“5” : to make a vivid presentation about some other painting style and to talk about it)
13. Оценивание работы учащихся.