Светлана Затонская
Урок английского языка «Рождество»
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Christmas Lesson
Цель урока : формирование лексических навыков и их использование в речи учащихся
Учебные задачи
1. Способствовать формированию устойчивых лексических навыков
2. Формировать умение воспринимать на слух и понимать небольшие сообщения
3. Развивать умения монологической и диалогической речи
Развивающие задачи
1. Развивать языковые и познавательные способности учащихся, готовность к коммуникации
2. Способствовать интеллектуальному развитию учащихся
3. Формировать логическое мышление и развивать память
Воспитательные задачи
- Английский язык в школе
- Иностранный язык в школе
- Модель трёх вопросов. Образовательная технология
- Рождество Христово. 7 января
- Школа. Материалы для школьных педагогов
- Темочки
1. Развивать умение работать в парах и группе
2. Формировать интерес к учению и познавательную активность учащихся
3. Расширять кругозор учащихся
4. Прививать уважение к традициям страны изучаемого языка
Используемые технологии
Коммуникативно-ориентированные, информационно-коммуникационные, игровые технологии
Используемые методы обучения
Словесный, объяснительно-иллюстративный
Используемые приемы
Игра, использование интерактивной доски, диалог, «письмо Санта–Клаусу»
Good afternoon! I am glad to see you. How are you? (Ответы)
What season is it now? It’s winter (ответ)
What is the weather like in winter. Ответы: cold, frosty, cloudy, slippery, muddy, foggy, rainiy
Do you like winter?
Why do you like winter?
Ответы: I can play snowballs / ski / make a snowman / skate / sledge.
What day is it today? What is the date today? (December 17th)
Answer the question. What holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December in Great Britain?
- Christmas. – That’s right.
On the 25th of December English people celebrate Christmas – a beautiful holiday, which is loved by everybody. Everything is decorated with lights and toys. We see Christmas trees everywhere. People buy presents, send cards and have Christmas parties.
Today we have an unusual lesson. Our lesson is a Christmas lesson, and we will speak about Christmas in Great Britain.
By the way, I have a secret message from Father Christmas. Yesterday I have got a surprise box from Father Christmas. There is a present for you in this box, but we will open this box in the end of our lesson.
And now we are going to play games, sing songs and do other interesting things.
Now, look at this picture (интерактивная доска). What do you see at this picture? Ответы детей.
And now let’s make the picture out of puzzles.
Well done!
And now, answer my questions.
1. Who comes from the North Pole on his sledge and brings presents to everybody at Christmas?
2. What does he wear?
3. What thing is very dear for children? They hang it at the fireplace or on their beds. (Stocking)
4. How do they decorate their house?
5. What is the main symbol of Christmas? (Christmas tree)
Do you like decorating Christmas tree?
I think everybody likes to decorate a Christmas tree, and let’s do it.
Let up make up two teams. The first one is called “Snowman” and the second one is “Father Christmas”
( Реквизит: 2 коробочки с елочными игрушками и 2 елки.
Учащиеся по очереди вешают игрушки, озвучивая свои действия. Например: I am hanging a red ball (a star, a garland, a tinsel)
Well-done. The winner is team No !
Your next task is Christmas Eve Maze.
Rudolph – if you know it is a reindeer – is hiding from Father Christmas. Help Father Christmas to find him so that the can begin delivering toys. Draw a line from Father Christmas through the Christmas words. Well done!
Учитель: Christmas is coming. On Christmas, children usually have Christmas parties. They wear costumes and masks. I see you have got your masks. Let us see what the masks at our party are.
Вопросы учителя: Who are you? / Where are you from? / What can you do? Nice to meet you. И т. д.
Учитель: Children usually meet friends on Christmas. Let us see how they do it,
Snowman : Hello!
Mouse : Hello!
Snowman : I am a Snowman, and who are you?
Mouse : I am a Mouse! Where do you live?
Snowman : I live in the park. And children play with me every day. And where do you live?
Mouse : I live in the house behind the fireplace. Let’s be friends.
Princess : Hello!
Father Christmas : Hello!
Princess : Who are you?
Father Christmas : Everybody knows me. I am Father Christmas. And who are you?
Princess : I am Princess. I am beautiful and kind. I cn dance and sing. What do you do?
Father Christmas : I bring present to children, Put them in their stockings, and they are very happy.
All children write letters to Father Christmas asking him for some presents for them and their relatives. I would like to listen to your letters to Father Christmas.
Ученики читают несколько писем.
Christmas is a religious holiday. It the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Where do people go on Christmas?
Ученики: They go to the church and sing Christmas carols. Let’s sing one of these carols. (We wish you a Merry Christmas – елка / игрушка).
Ученики поют Merry Christmas.
And now it’s time to open the box from Father Christmas. Let us open and see the present of Father Christmas.
Учитель открывает коробку.
Oh, it’s a magic hat, a message from Father Christmas!
Учитель. And who was the best today t our Christmas lesson? (Лучший ученик одевает волшебную шапку)
So children, what can you say about Christmas holiday?
What kind of holiday is it?
Ответы учащихся: It's a bright holiday / it’s a merry holiday / it's a beautiful holiday!
Учитель: My dear boys and girls! Merry Christmas! I wish you Good Luck and Happy New Year!
And now help yourselves. These candy canes are from Father Christmas. Bonne appetite!