Фомичева Ольга
Фрагменты уроков английского языка в 9 и 10 классах с использованием Интернет-ресурсов
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Фрагмент урока в 10 классе с использованием Интернет-ресурсов по теме «Богатые и знаменитые».
Вступительное слово учителя.
At our previous lessons we talked a lot about rich and famous people. Does celebrity always mean wealth? Does wealth always bring happiness to people? Very often we know the name of the famous person and we have an idea of what he became famous for. But are you able to give their names, looking at their portraits?
Проверка домашнего задания.
- Английский язык в школе
- Иностранный язык в школе
- Старшая школа 10 класс
- Школа. Материалы для школьных педагогов
- Темочки
Let's check our homework. I posted on our site several portraits of famous people. Some of them lived long ago, the others are our contemporaries. Your task was to give their names, the country that was their homeland and what they became famous for.
-Well done. You see how many famous people were born in Belarus, we should be proud of them. We have our actors, singers, scientists. And now, look at the screen.
-What date is it today? How old are you? What are you?
Close your eyes. (Звучит тихая музыка, учитель читает)
One of the most famous scientists in the world invented Time Machine. Now people have a chance to see their relatives who lived many centuries ago, they know the secrets of Pyramids, they were able to change the world and there are no wars on our planet any more. Imagine that right now you see your grandmother and in a beautiful dress. She is dancing with your granddad and they are happy. You can imagine anything you want. You’re lying on the yellow sand and listening to the sounds of the ocean. Everything is OK in your life, you’re happy.
And now… Open your eyes and look at the date. (на доске меняется дата на 20 лет вперёд).
-What date is it today? Today is the 15th of March, two thousand and thirty seven.
-How old are you?
-You are not pupils any more. You are famous and extremely rich. Use your imagination and fill in your first worksheets. Remember, you have a lot of money and you are success in your life. Write down about your income, about your places of living. May be you have several houses and one of them is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, may be you have not only cars but you own yachts and helicopters. You are free in your dreams.
Учащиеся заполняют карточку №1
Worksheet 1
It is 2037 and you are a very famous person. And, of course, you’re very rich. Complete this information about your life. Use your imagination.
How long?.
Children? How many?.
Usually travel by….
Most valuable possessions?.
Good and bad things about being a famous person? …
- I see all of you are pleased with your future lives and careers. But…. (раздаётся звук волшебства) all of you are journalists now working for Forbes. Interview your famous partner about his or her brilliant life. Do it in pairs. Fill in your worksheets № 2.
Работа в парах. Учащиеся заполняют карточку №2
Worksheet 2
Now imagine you’re a journalist. You want to interview someone for “Forbes”. Prepare your questions and interview the partner.
What’s your first name? What’s your….name?
How … are you?.
What do you do? …
How long have you been a …
How much money ….
Are you married or ….?.
Have you got any ?.
How many?.
Where do you? ….
How long have you lived in ?.
Have you got a car/plane/helicopter/boat ….
How do you usually travel?.
Which places have you ?.
What’s your most valuable ?.
What are the good and bad things about being famous and rich?.
-So, your interviews are ready it’s high time for you to write down your articles and place them on the first page of Forbes. (Пишут статьи и размещают на доске. Первый написавший учащийся, зачитывает свою статью вслух).
Письменная речь. Учащиеся заполняют карточку №3
Worksheet 3
Use your interview notes to write the magazine article
This week we spoke to ….
…is…years old and ….has been a … for …years.
….is extremely rich and has about …dollars/euros/per
…. has/hasn’t got a family. …has/hasn’t children. …. …
….has been living in …. for …years. …. has got a boat… …. and …. usually travels by …. has visited …. …’s possession is …
Because….says that the good and bad things about being rich and famous are …
Домашнее задание.
-I hope you’ll achieve everything in your real future. I wish you it from the bottom of my heart. Listen to your home task. At our lesson you were famous teachers, businessmen, singers and actors, you owned a casino and so on. But what profession is really suitable for you? On the Internet in our group VKontakte you’ll find a psychological test «Which career is right for you?» You’ll pass the test and count the results. And at our following lesson we’ll compare the results of the test and your imaginary professions.
Фрагмент урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Чтение"
Введение новой лексики.
T: Look at the screen and read the rhyme and guess.
It has no mouth but speaks.
It is not a tree but it has leaves.
It is not alive but it can be a good friend.
T: Right! It is a book. A wise man said, “Life without books is as tree without leaves”. I’m sure that if we don’t have books in our life, it will be as boring and gloomy as trees in autumn. There are different kinds of books. Let us grow our “book tree” and put on leaves on it.
Учащиеся клеят листья с названиями жанров на дерево.
a detective story – детектив;
a historical story (novel) - исторический роман;
an adventure story – приключение;
a fairy tale – сказка;
science fiction – научная фантастика;
a horror story – ужастик;
a biography (an autobiography) – (авто)биография;
poetry – поэзия;
a myth – миф;
an encyclopedia – энциклопедия;
a novel of everyday life – бытовой роман;
a love story – любовная история;
fantasy – фэнтэзи;
a fable – басня;
a war novel – военный роман;
a humorous story – юмористический рассказ;
a ghost story – рассказ о привидениях;
a dictionary – словарь.
T: What kind of stories do you enjoy most?
На экране
As for me, I’m fond of …
I also like reading … and …
I don’t like …
Проверка домашнего задания.
T: I’m sure, you know a lot of writers and poets. But unfortunately, we often know their names, but not their faces. It’s high time to check your home task. In our group “Vkontakte” you were given some portraits of famous people and your task was to find their names and the names of their most famous books. So, let’s check how you have done it.
(работа с портретами в презентации)
Письменная речь.
T: And now I’d like to propose you to become writers. Maybe, not real writers, but journalists. Let’s make our own booklet about our preferences. Your task is to write an article and recommend your favourite book to your classmates.
(учащиеся заполняют пропуски в статье и вывешивают свои работы на доске, оформляя буклет. Первые работы зачитываются.)
I’m going to say a few words about a book (story) I’ve recently read. The book (story) is written by the well-known (English, American, Russian, French etc) writer of the … century (name of the writer…. The title of the book (story) is …. .It is a historical, adventure, science fiction etc.) …. story (book). The scene is laid in (place….in the (time…. The plot of the book (story) is interesting. The characters are well drawn. The book tells us about …. who….. There are some humorous, funny, sad, tragic….episodes in the book (story). I could not help (smiling, laughing, feeling sad, crying….when I read it. If you like (historical novels, adventure stories, science fiction, etc…. I advise you to read it.
(учащиеся заполняют бланки и прикрепляют их на доску. Первые заполнившие читают свои работы)