Юлия Корниенко
Сценарий спектакля на английском языке для детей старшего дошкольного возраста
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Aline caterpillar and her friends
Спектакль для детей от 4-7 лет.
Цель: расширить и закрепить изученный лексический материал;
формировать коммуникативные навыки, активизировать употребление пройденных лексических единиц и фраз, развивать сообразительность и память.
Главные действующие лица:
(количества персонажей может увеличиваться или уменьшаться, в зависимости от числа детей в группах)
- Английский язык для дошкольников
- Модель трёх вопросов. Образовательная технология
- Старшая группа
- Сценарии праздников. Развлечения, досуги, утренники
- Сценарии развлечений на английском языке для дошкольников
- Театр. Сценарии постановок и спектаклей
- Театр. Театрализованная деятельность
- Темочки
Домик для цветка, корзинка для гусеницы, фрукты для угощения гусеницы, паутина, крылья для бабочки.
Сцена 1
Flower: who is there?
Snowflake: Sh-Sh it’s me the Snowflake, and I want to come in
Flower: no, you can’t come in
Flower: who is there?
Rain: tap-a-tap tap-a tap it’s me the Rain, and I want to come in
Flower: Rain, rain go away come again another day!
Flower: who is there?
Sunshine: it’s me the sunshine and I want to come in
Flower: no, you can’t come in
Spring: and the flower sits still, soon she hears a noise
Flower: who is there?
Flower: who is there?
Rain and sunshine: it’s the rain and the sun and we want to come in! we want to come in! We want to come in!
Flower: oh, dear, dear! Come in come in! Come in come in!
Домик раскрывается и появляется прекрасный цветок
Rain, spring, sun: Hello pretty flower!
Flower: hello. Where am I?
Rain, spring, sun: In a beautiful garden! It’s spring now!
Веселая музыка
Сцена 2
Flower: It’s spring and I am happy (видит гусеницу) Hello wo are you?
Caterpillar : I am Caterpillar. My name is Lisa. I am long. I am beautiful. But I am hungry!
Flower: Oh, go to my friend Frog.
Caterpillar: Thank you, good bye beautiful flower.
Caterpillar: Hello
Frog: Hi, who are you?
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Frog: I am Frog. I am green. I am fast. I can jump. And you? Can you jump?
Caterpillar: Oh, no I can crawl. I am hungry Give me something to eat, please.
Frog: I have got green apples. Help yourself!
Caterpillar: Thank you. Yummy! Good bye!
Сцена 3
Caterpillar: Hello
Fish: Hi, who are you
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Fish: I am fish. I am beautiful. I can swim. And you? Can you swim?
Caterpillar: Oh, no I can crawl. I am hungry Give me something to eat, please.
Fish: I have got purple grapes. Help yourself?
Caterpillar: Thank you. Tasty. Good bye.
Сцена 4
Caterpillar: Hello
Сat1: Hi,
Kitten: Hello, who are you?
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Cat1: I am a cat. I am nice and beautiful
Kitten: I am little kitten. I am brave.
Cat 1: We can play with balls. And you?
Caterpillar: Oh, I can play with balls too!
Kitten: Let’s play!
Игра с мячом (ребята перекидывают мяч друг другу)
Сцена 5
Caterpillar: Hello
Mouse: Hi, who are you?
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Mouse: I am a mouse. I am small and fast.
Caterpillar: I am very hungry. Give me something to eat, please.
Mouse: Oh, I can make cheese, help yourself!
Caterpillar: Thank you. It’s tasty. Bye!
Сцена 6
Caterpillar: Hello
Dog: Hello
Puppy: Hello, who are you?
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Dog: I am a dog. I am strong. I can bark.
Puppy: I am a little puppy. I can bark too. And you?
Caterpillar: I can crawl. I am very hungry. Give me something to eat, please
Dog and Puppy: We have a yellow lemon and an orange orange. Help yourself!
Caterpillar: Thank you! Yummy. Good bye!
Сцена 7
Caterpillar: Hello
Rabbit: Hi, who are you?
Caterpillar: I am Caterpillar and you?
Rabbit: I am a Rabbit. I am beautiful. I can run and jump. And you, can you jump?
Caterpillar: Oh, no! I can crawl, but I am very hungry. Give me something to eat, please.
Rabbit: I have got sweet and tasty carrot, help yourself!
Caterpillar: Oh, thank you, it’s tasty. Good bye!
Сцена 8
Caterpillar: Hello, I am Caterpillar and who are you?
Ladybug: Hello, I am Ladybug. I am clever. I can count. And you? Can you count?
Caterpillar: Oh, no! I can crawl, but I am very hungry. Give me something to eat, please.
Ladybug: Ok. One, two, three pears; one, two, three, four, five strawberries. Help yourself.
Caterpillar: Thank you! Yummy. Good bye!
Сцена 9
Spiders: Hello, we are spiders. We are brave and strong. We can eat you Caterpillar.
Пауки набрасывают паутину на гусеницу и пытаются ее утащить.
Все дети выходят на сцену и поют песню:
Go away scary spiders, go away! Go away!
Go away scary spiders, go away! Go away!
Прогоняют пауков.
Сцена 10
Bird: Hello, I am a Bird. I can sing and I can fly. (Птичка освобождает гусеницу от паутины. Гусеница уже превратилась в бабочку, за спиной есть крылышки) and you can you fly?
Caterpillar: Oh, no, I am Caterpillar, I can only crawl.
Bird: No, no. You are Butterfly! You have got wings! And you can fly too! Try.
Caterpillar: Really! I can fly! I am Liza Butterfly and I am nice.
All children: Welcome Spring! Happy Spring. Happy Easter!
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