Жанна Станиславовна Моргоева
Открытый урок в 10 классе по английскому языку на тему «Man-made wonders»
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Открытый урок в 10 классе по английскому языку на тему
Цели: 1. Повторить и закрепить использование определенных конструкций с герундием и инфинитивом, проследить семантические изменения, происходящие в них.
2. Развивать речевые навыки и умения аудирования.
Задачи: 1. Создать условия для совершенствования языковой компетенции учащихся.
2. Приобщить учащихся к культурному наследию народов мира.
3. Воспитать уважительное отношение к культурным памятникам мирового наследия.
Оборудование: компьютер, медиапроектор, карточки со словами и упражнениями.
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Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент.
Приветствие, создание языковой среды. Фонетическая зарядка. Закрепление грамматического материала.
Good morning, friends. Nice to see you. Sit down please and be ready for the lesson. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What season is it now? What s the weather like today?
For a start let s warm up your tongues as usual as we do in order to make our work easier.
Look at the blackboard, there are different vowels. Listen to me and repeat after me the next words. All together, please :
[ :] - purpose, serve, worker, earth
[u :] – wooden, tool, Hoover, soon
[ u]- stone, rope, ocean, go
[ei] – railway, famous, shape, create
Well done, pupils.
What have you done for today? At home you had to prepare ex 86 on p 115. Before checking this ex, you should explain the difference in meaning between the constructions :
Remember + gerund / infinitive
Try + gerund / infinitive
Stop + gerund / infinitive
Regret + gerund / infinitive
Meanwhile we are checking our hometask some pupils will do their own tasks. I ll give you cards, you should translate the sentences from Russian into English using the mentioned constructions.
II. Основная часть.
Объявление целей и задач урока. Презентация. Аудирование.
Let s pass to the main subject of our lesson : Man-made wonders. You know there are many wonders of the world. In the ancient times there were 7 wonders. Do you know them? (учащиеся называют 7 чудес древнего мира)
I suggest we should have a look at them, because they are great and unusual. They were created by people to glorify beauty and extol gods and emperors. Nowadays most of the ancient wonders are destroyed but the existing ones remind us of the man s power and wisdom (презентация).
Wonders of the modern world are the product of technical and scientific achievements. Today we are going to learn something new about the modern wonders of the world. You are future creators and scientists, the world will belong to you and you will have to decide what to do.
Let s remember what man-made wonders are known all over the modern world. At home you had to look for some information, now, we ll see what educational facts you have found. Look at the pictures (во время презентации учащиеся делают сообщения).
1. Can you name this wonder?
2. What do you know about this place?
Open your books at p 117, there is a table here. Now let s listen to the recording about these places, maybe we ll get to know more useful details about them and you should make additions in your tables. Before listening to the tape, pay attention to the geographical names to their pronunciation. You have them on your cards, listen and repeat them after me : Stonehenge, Wiltshire, The Panama Canal, The Transsiberian Railway, Europe, Asian Pacific Coast, The Colorado River, The English Channel Tunnel, Folkestone (учащиеся прослушивают текст и заполняют таблицу).
III. Заключительный этап.
Объяснение домашнего задания, подведение итогов.
So, people created a lot of magnificent buildings, monuments everywhere. We admire them they are fantastic. It s important to look after these places protecting them from vandals, pollution. We must save our past for our future so as future generations will be able to see the wonders of the world.
I want to thank all the participants for taking part in this lesson, for your attention. Put down hometask for the next lesson : ex 91 p 117, prepare a report about your favourite man-made wonder.
Our lesson is over. See you soon.