Диана Фаттахова
«Украденная елка». Сценарий новогодней елки для детей, изучающих английский язык
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«Новогодняя сказка о пропавшей елке».
Подготовила учитель английского и французского языков – Фаттахова Д. М.
2008 – 2009 год.
Цели внеклассного мероприятия:
1. активизация творческих способностей у учащихся при подготовке и проведении праздника,
2. ознакомление с традициями Америки,
3. формирования интереса к изучению английского языка как средства коммуникации и средства знакомства с традициями англоязычны стран,
- Английский язык для дошкольников
- Модель трёх вопросов. Образовательная технология
- Новый Год в детском саду
- Новый год. ВСЕ сценарии новогодних праздников
- Сценарии праздников. Развлечения, досуги, утренники
- Сценарии развлечений на английском языке для дошкольников
- Темочки
- Конкурс для воспитателей и педагогов «Лучший сценарий праздника» апрель 2013
4. развитие и практика диалогической и монологической речи.
1. реквизиты,
2. плакаты, приглашения, программы,
3. музыкальное сопровождение,
4. декорации.
Ход мероприятия:
– «Ghosts song».
Speaker 1 – good morning, dear friends! We are glad to see you here in this wonderful hall! It is cold and frosty winter. And we know all of you are waiting for a new year. We suppose everybody has been preparing presents, surprises, buying Christmas trees. New Year is one of the happiest holidays in the world. Are you agreeing with me?
Speaker 2 – of course, I agree. But … I am very sad today. We have little time, just several days before the holidays. But there is a little problem. The Christmas tree was stolen. The police can not find it. What will we do? How will we tell children the truth? I can not imagine how such wonderful holiday will be spend without tree, presents, surprises? It is very pity. I was crying during last night.
Speaker 1 – calm down! Do not panic. We must think and solve this problem. Give me just a minute to think …
(Ходит кругами и думает).
Speaker 2 – (звонит телефон). Hello! Who is this? Who am I talking about! Police! Do you have any news? It is very interesting! We will try to help you. I have known that a little sad ghost stolen the Christmas tree. And we must help police to find it, Because policemen are all afraid of the ghost. I can not imagine it.
Speaker 1 – it is very strange and funny.
(Стук в дверь)
Speaker 2 – yes! Come in!
Cowboy 1 – good morning, friends! We have come from the USA, one of the most beautiful and biggest countries in the world. We are your neighbors and have come to congratulate you with a new year. We wish you had a good and happy new year.
Cowboy 2 – we know about your problem and we can help you. It is one of the main aims of our visit. We have a map and it is time for us to go. Ghost live in an old and scary castle.
Speaker 1 – it is wonderful. You are real good friends. We are very happy.
Speaker 2 – it is really great. Thanks a lot. Be careful. Good buy!
Cowboy 1 – good buy! See you later.
(ковбои идут в замок приведения за елкой и поют песню).
Cowboy 2 – look. It is a big old scary castle of the ghost. We have come.
Cowboy 1 – I am afraid. It is terrible. Is the ghost terrible? Is the ghost scared?
Cowboy 2 – we do not know. Let’s come into the castle. Come on!
(Стучат в дверь).
Cowboy 1 – is anybody at home? Where are you, ghost? Come here! Return our Christmas tree! We can not celebrate our favorite holiday without it. There is no place to hide presents for children.
Ghost – come in! I have been waiting for you for a long time.
(включить запись голоса приведения, заманивающий гостей в подвал к старому шкафу, и желающий над ними подшутить).
Cowboy 2 – (сильно испуган, визг и писк)
I do not want to look for this tree. I want to return home. I do not like mousses.
(один ковбой берет мышь за хвост, пугает друга)
(Выходит приведение)
Ghost – I am so sorry. Do not heart me, please. I just want to have a friend. Let me be your friend. I want to have a party. There is a sweet in my pocket. Take it, please.
Cowboy 1 – ok. You are so nice. Let’s take beautiful tree, invite our new friend and return home. We are glad to meet you.
(появляются ведущие)
Cowboy 2 – we have done our hard task. We have returned one of the most beautiful Christmas trees. Lets have a holiday and fun. There is a new little friend.
Ghost – I have a present for you. A lot of sweets. Take it.
Speaker 1 – we are very glad. You are really good friends and we are very happy. The life is wonderful and have new friends too. Do you want to meet them?
Cowboy 1 – of course. Where are they?
Speaker 2 – they are really talented and beautiful. We invite them to the stage. Welcome!
(девочки из 8 класса показывают танец,
Девочки из 9 класса поют песню).
Speaker 1 – our adventures have finished. We are very glad to have happy end. Children of all worlds will have a holiday, presents and a lot of fun. We wish you had success in a new year.
(Все участники танцуют вокруг елки).
Speaker 2 – as if we have a Christmas tree and hope for the best future, we are quite and happy we offer you to watch a fairy – tail. We hope it would be interesting.
We love you. Good buy!