Анна Постолатий
Сценарий английского Рождественского утренника
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Дети вбегают в зал, рассаживаются на стульчики. Один ребенок встает в центр, читает стихотворение:
The sun is round and very bright,
It shines and gives us light.
He is calling everyone:
Get up and have great fun.
The Gingerbread Man
Scene 1
Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man, an old woman and a little boy. They lived in a house in a forest. One morning…
Old man (to the old woman): Tomorrow is my birthday. Could you bake me something out of gingerbread?
Old woman: Of course, I’ll make something out of gingerbread for you.
- Английский язык для дошкольников
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- Рождество Христово. 7 января
- Рождество. Сценарии рождественских праздников для детей
- Сценарии развлечений на английском языке для дошкольников
- Темочки
- Конкурс для воспитателей и педагогов «Лучший сценарий праздника» февраль 2014
Little girl: Could you make a little boy out of gingerbread?
Old woman: This is a good idea! You will have a brother.
Little girl: How wonderful! I will play and run with him.
Old man: And he will help us in the field and garden.
Old woman: I’ll give him a cherry for mouth.
Old man: And I’ll give him a chocolate jacket.
Little girl: And I’ll give him two buttons for eyes.
Уходят за кулису. Остальные дети поют Old MacDonald
Герои возвращаются и Пряник от них убегает.
Все: Stop! Come back!
Gingerbread man: Run! Run! As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man!
Scene 2
Пряничный человечек убегает и оказывается в поле. Встречает корову.
Cow: Stop, little Gingerbread boy! Where are you going?
Gingerbread man:
I have run away from an old woman,
I have run away from an old man,
I have run away from a little boy,
I can run away from you too, I can!
Cow: Can you? We’ll see about that! (бежит за ним)
Gingerbread man:
Run! Run! As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man!
Убегает от коровы и встречает коня
Horse: Stop, little Gingerbread boy! Where are you going?
Gingerbread man:
I have run away from an old woman,
I have run away from an old man,
I have run away from a little boy,
I have run from a cow,
I can run away from you too, I can!
Horse: Can you? We’ll see about that! (бежит за ним)
Gingerbread man:
Run! Run! As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man!
Убегает от коня. Оказывается в лесу и встречает медведя.
Bear: Stop, little Gingerbread boy! Where are you going?
Gingerbread boy:
I have run away from an old woman,
I have run away from an old man,
I have run away from a little boy,
I have run from a cow,
I have run from a horse,
I can run away from you too, I can!
Bear: Can you? We’ll see about that! (бежит за ним)
Gingerbread man:
Run! Run! As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man!
Убегает от медведя и встречает лису.
Fox: Stop, little gingerbread boy! Where are you going?
Gingerbread boy:
I have run away from an old woman,
I have run away from an old man,
I have run away from a little boy,
I have run from a cow,
I have run from a horse,
I have run from a bear,
I can run away from you too, I can!
Fox: I can’t hear you, Gingerbread boy. Come up to me.
Пряничный человечек подходит к лисе. Громким голосом повторяет:
Gingerbread boy:
I have run away from an old woman,
I have run away from an old man,
I have run away from a little boy,
I have run from a cow,
I have run from a horse,
I have run from a bear,
I can run away from you too, I can!
Fox: I can’t hear you. Come a little closer to me.
Fox: Can you? (Хватает его и уносит к себе в нору)
Все поют песню Are you happy?
December comes, so wild and cold,
With snow it stops the rain,
It comes and draws trees young and old
On every window-pane.
Trees are all kept warm by snow
Brought there by the winds that blow.
To see that wonderful fairyland
Let’s go hand in hand.
When winter comes with snow around
It is such fun to gather snow
Up from the ground
To make a man, a snowman – large and smooth and round.
Сценка A soldier and a pretty girl
(Реквизиты: ботинки, пальто, шляпа + у солдата барабан и сабля)
A pretty girl: Oh, soldier, soldier, will you marry me with your knife and drum?
Soldier: Oh, no, pretty girl. I cannot marry you. I have no shoes.
(Девочка убегает, приносит сапоги. Солдат надевает обувь.)
A pretty girl: Oh, soldier, soldier, will you marry me with your knife and drum?
Soldier: Oh, no, pretty girl. I cannot marry you. I have no jacket.
(Девочка убегает, приносит куртку. Солдат одевается.)
A pretty girl: Oh, soldier, soldier, will you marry me with your knife and drum?
Soldier: Oh, no, pretty girl. I cannot marry you. I have no hat.
(Девочка убегает, приносит шляпу. Солдат одевает её.)
A pretty girl: Oh, soldier, soldier, will you marry me with your knife and drum?
Soldier: Oh, no, pretty girl. I cannot marry you. I have a wife.
(Выходит другая девочка – «жена солдата».)
Все дети становятся в круг, берут в правую руку колокольчик, поют песню Jingle bells.
Затем становятся полукругом, поют финальную песню We wish you a merry Christmas