
«День святого Валентина» — конспект занятия по английскому языку

Анастасия Барбарчик
«День святого Валентина» — конспект занятия по английскому языку
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- формирование умения употреблять лексический материал по теме «Saint Valentine’s Day.» и обеспечение его первичной тренировки в серии речевых и языковых упражнений;

- совершенствование правильности произношения английских звуков и слов; правильной интонации;

-формирование умения работать в парах;

-способствование повышения мотивации учения при помощи интерактивных средств обучения;

Публикация «„День святого Валентина“ — конспект занятия по английскому языку» размещена в разделах

-формирование умения учащихся осуществлять поиск необходимой информации, используя стратегию чтения с извлечением информации.

Цели: развить навыки чтения, говорения, письма.

Оснащение:Компьютер, экран, презентация, посвящённая дню Святого Валентина, раздаточный материал по теме урока.


Орг. момент.


-Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you?


Teacher : Do you like holidays?

First of all we’ll discuss different holidays of the year. Match the holidays and their descriptions, please.

• 1. New Year’s Eve is a night when…

• 2. April 1st is a day when…

• 3. March 8th is a day when…

• 4. September 1st is a day when…

• 5. Easter is a religious holiday when…

• 6. Christmas is a religious holiday when…

• а)people honor women by giving them flowers and presents.

• b)people play tricks on friends.

• с)pupils and students start the new academic year.

• d)people have parties and stay up until midnight to see the new year in.

• e)many people have gatherings eating dyed eggs, paskha and kulich.

• f)people have parties, light candles and give each other gifts.

Good. Today we’ll speak about St. Valentine’s Day, about symbols and about traditions of this day.Do you know where this holiday came from? This is a sad story about love.

Презентация(1,2 слайд)

Now let’s read the text about it.

Saint Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine’s Day is a holiday which is celebrated in Great Britain, the USA, and in many European countries. This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February. It has many legends. One legend tells that Saint Valentine was a priest. He lived in Rome. Saint Valentine was famous for helping lovers.

Some people believe that Saint Valentine was the saint patron of birds. The legend tells that birds choose their mates and begin to build their nests.

One of the traditions of this festival is to send valentine’s cards. More than two centuries ago people began to send valentine’s cards. There are a lot of different cards for this celebration in Britain. The cards may be humorous or serious, romantic or not. People may even send Saint Valentine’s Day telegram.

People send special cards to someone they love. There are special cards to My Husband, My Wife, Mother, Father, and Sweetheart. People usually don’t sign their names. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.

On Valentine’s Day people give each other red roses, because a red rose is a symbol of love. People also give each other chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

Nowfillingaps.(Заполняем пропуски в парах).

1. Saint Valentine’s Dayis.

2. People believed that birds chose their ___ on this day.

3. People began to ___ Valentine’s cards more than two centuries ago.

4. In Britain there are a lot of Valentine’s cards for this.

5. The most popular Valentine’s cards are.

6. The sign of love is a red.

7. People give red roses and ___ each other on Valentine’s Day.

8. Other symbols of Valentine’s day are ___, ___, ___, ___, ___ .

These poems people wrote on their cards. Translateit.(3,4,5 слайд)

Такие стихи люди писали на карточках людям в которых они были влюблены.

Now I distribute to you a crossword.

Cлова, которыепомогутучащимсяразгадатькроссворд:

Present, red, bride- невеста, broom- жених, February, flowers, valentine, chocolate, heartсердце, propose- предлагать, vase, love,

Из букв в цветных клетках составляется девиз.

Slogan of the day is : LOVE CROSSES ALL BORDERS!


Let’s match the words from different columns.(Работавпарах).

Раздатьучащимсякарточки из слов

to send Valentine’s cards



beautiful an invitation

romantic a letter box for Valentine’s cards

to prepare


to talk

about Saint Valentine’s Day

to fall in love

to buy


to write


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«День святого Валентина» — конспект занятия по английскому языку
Опубликовано: 14 марта 2015 в 20:14
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