Анастасия Шершнева
План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Healthy Food»
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План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Healthy Food»
Тема урока : «Healthy Food»
Тип урока : стандартный
Вид урока : комбинированный
Цель урока :
1) Развитие лексических навыков чтения, говорения. Знакомство учащихся с новой лексикой по теме «Здоровое питание»;
2) Развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к формулированию выводов из прослушанного и прочитанного.
- Английский язык в школе
- Иностранный язык в школе
- Конспекты занятий. Все конспекты
- Школа. Материалы для школьных педагогов
- Темочки
Задачи урока :
1. Ознакомление новым лексическим материалом;
2. Поисковое чтение текста «Rainbow food»;
3. Тренировка умения отвечать на вопросы из прослушанного и прочитанного.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент. Good day, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. And now let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions. How are you? – What day of the weak is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today?
2. Фонетическая зарядка. And now let’s practice the English sounds and words. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. Read one by one.
Betty Botter bought some butter.
But, said she, the butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter.
It will make my batter bitter.
3. Введение нового материала.
Today we are going to speak about healthy food. Look at the blackboard. You can see apples with the questions. Take one of them and answer it. The first question is «What is healthy food?», the second
«Is it full of vitamins?», the third «Where are there most of the vitamins?» Of course, different fruits and vegetables are very useful for our health. «What fruits do you grow in your garden?», «What is your favourite fruit?», «What vegetables do you eat every day?», «What vegetables do you hate eating?»
-Today Dima prepared us a report about healthy food and the role of food colors. Are you ready to hear him? Listen attentively!
4. Активизация лексических единиц по теме
And now remember the names of vegetables and fruits. Open your book at page number 102 exercise №1. Repeat them after me. Now identify them into fruit and vegetable. Put the name in the appropriate column on the board.
grape (purple, apple (red, green, orange
(orange, tomato (red, cherry (red, raisin
(blue, lemon (yellow, melon (yellow, orange,
green, strawberry (red, blueberry (blue,
pineapple (yellow, peach (orange, pear
(yellow, green, raspberry (red, plum
(purple, watermelon (red, green, banana
(yellow, fig (purple, lime (green)
broccoli (green, carrot (orange, corn
(yellow, lettuce (green, celery (green)
aubergine (purple, pea (green, pumpkin(orange, cabbage (green)
4. Повторения грамматического материала
Which of these words are countable/uncountable? What are their plural forms? Ex.1b, p. 102
countable : grape, apple, carrot, lettuce, orange, tomato, cherry, raisin, lemon, melon, strawberry, blueberry, aubergine, pea, pineapple, peach, pear, raspberry, plum, watermelon,
banana, pumpkin, fig, lime, cabbage
uncountable : broccoli, corn, celery; plural forms (some broccoli, some corn, some celery)
5 .Тренировка навыков чтения и вопросно-ответной работы по тексту
Ex.2, p.102
What are your favourite foods? What are the different ways they can be prepared?
Cooking methods : steamed, boiled, toasted, grilled, fried, roasted, baked, raw
How do you eat the following foods in our country? How do you prefer them?
Bread, potatoes, fish, meat, rice, vegetables, cake, chicken
Find the expressions in the text, translate them from English into Russian
-Protect you from serious illnesses
-keep older people active
- treat yourself to
- give extra boost
- brain food
- improve your powers of concentration
-fight off infections
- eyesight
- stay happy
- make optimistic
- calm yourself down
- keep your emotions under control
- contain vitamins and minerals
- keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy
- are soothing both emotionally and physically
- prepare you for a good nights rest
- make people more creative
- keep you looking young
6. Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание.
Well, we’ve done a lot today! Thanks for your work, attention and activity! Did you like our lesson?
Now I will give you traffic lights. Note on them that color which corresponds to your work at a lesson/
Now write down your home task. For the next lesson you should make ex. 24 p. 63 and ex. 30 (а) p. 64 in writing.
And your marks for the lesson are…
Homework : 1. Workbook p. 44 (упр. на запоминание лексики).