Любовь Харченко
Сценарий выпускного праздника в младшей группе с изучением английского языка
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Сценарий выпускного
праздника младшей группы
Сценарий предназначен для младшей и средней группы. Он построен в виде диалога между сказочным персонажем и детьми про достижение, занятья и быт в детском саду. Увлеченная рассказом Мальвина желает остаться учится в этом детском саду.
Children come in to the hall and sit down to the joyful music. Suddenly Malvina appears.
Malvina : Good day, dear children!
Good day, dear guests!
Host : Hello! Who are you?
Malvina : I'm a doll, my name is Malvina (реверанс)
Мальвина знакомится со всеми детьми по очереди.
- Английский язык для дошкольников
- Выпускной. Сценарии выпускных в детском саду
- Выпускной. Сценарии для яслей и младших групп
- Модель трёх вопросов. Образовательная технология
- Сценарии праздников. Развлечения, досуги, утренники
- Сценарии развлечений на английском языке для дошкольников
- Темочки
- Конкурс для воспитателей и педагогов «Лучший сценарий праздника» апрель 2013
Malvina : What is your name?
Children : My name is…
Malvina : I was flying on my flowers and suddenly felt down here. Who can tell me
where am I?
Children : You are in Kindergarten!
Malvina : Kindergarten? What does it mean?
Дети рассказывают, что такое детский сад.
Malvina : And what do you do in your kindergarten?
Дети рассказывают, что они делают в детском саду.
Teacher : Stay with us on our concert and we'll show you what we usually do in kindergarten.
Malvina : Ok. Show me, please.
Teacher : When we come to kindergarten we do morning exercises.
Malvina : Can you show me it?
Morning exercises :
Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around
Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down
Look left, look right, look up, look down
Turn around, sit down, touch smth. red!
Put your hands and touch your ties.
Cross your fingers, hold your nose.
Bend your knees and shake your head
Stamp your feet, touch smth. blue
Malvina : Very nice. And what do you do next?
Teacher : Listen to our song.
Sons : "Breakfast in the morning"
Malvina : Dear friends, what do you like to do in your kindergarten?
Poems :
I like to run
Out in the sun
It's such a fun
To run, to run!
I like to read.
I like to play.
I like to study every day.
I like to skip.
I like to jump.
I like to run about.
I like to play,
I like to sing.
I like to laugh and shout.
Malvina : I understood, first you have breakfast and what do you do after this?
Teacher : After breakfast we have lessons.
Malvina : What is this, lesson?
Дети поясняют, что такое уроки и что они на них делают.
Teacher : We have many dif. lessons. Among them Math, Nature, Choreography. Look!
Teacher : On lessons we learn shapes, colors, and numbers. And our children can count very well now.
Poem :
1,1, 1:
Little dogs run.
2,2, 2:
Cats see you.
3,3, 3:
Birds in a tree.
Rats on the flour.
One square, two squares,
This is what we call a pair.
Three rectangles on the floor,
Four triangles, count some more.
Five circles all around.
Here's a star that I have found!
Hexagon I can hop
Octogon means STOP!
Song : "One, two, three… jump"
Malvina : Children do you like to jump, run, and climb?
Children : Yes!
Malvina : Can you do it in your kindergarten?
Teacher : Of, course, they can. We have sport lessons for it.
Malvina : Do you like sport lessons?
Children : Yes!
Poems :
Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It's much better then the toys.
You can swim and play football.
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun.
I played a game.
I rode my bike.
I had a snack.
I took a hike.
Song : "Clap your hands".
Malvina : Your songs are so nice!
Teacher : Of course. We learn a lot of songs on our music lessons.
Malvina : Oh it's very interesting, but to tell the truth I'm tired and I want to have a rest. Teacher : Our children are tired too. So every day we have nap time for relax.
Early to bed, early to rise.
Makes a man
Healthy, wealthy and wise.
Дети как-будто ложатся спать, но когда учитель уходит, начинают танцевать.
D апсе:
Malvina : You are so kind, so friendly, like one family.
Teacher : Yes you're right, we are one family.
Sons : "Песенка друзей"
Malvina : You have lots of interesting lessons and do you have time to play?
Children : Yes
Poem :
Work is done.
Play's begun.
Now we have
Our laugh and fun.
I like to play
With a ball,
With a kitten
And a doll.
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to play,
It's fun!
Teacher : Our children like to play very much and they want to tell us poems about their favorite toys.
Poem :
I have a hare, I have a bear
My toys are here, my toys are there.
I have a horse, I have a fox,
I have a brown cow.
I am a little boy
I have a lots of car toy
I play with them all day
I take them everywhere.
Teacher : It's almost summer, and we'll play outside more and more. Children like summer very much.
Malvina : Why do you like summer?
Poem :
School is over,
What a fun!
Lessons finished,
Play begun!
School is over.
We like to play,
All the day!
All the day!
Summer time
Is time for play
We are happy
All the day.
Summer sun in the sky
Shining, shining up so high
We can swim, hike and fish
And go on a picnic, if you wish
Song : "Привет от лета"
Malvina : It's wonderful! I like your fest very much but I should go. Now you are my best friends!
Teacher : Come to us again. Now our friends are your friends.
Malvina : I have a surprise for you! (Дарит шарики) I had a wonderful time with you.
Good bye.
Teacher : Thank you for everything. Good bye.
Altogether : Good bye.